Right from the get-go, children become adept at reading and making meaning of our facial and bodily gestures, our breathing, skin pigmentation and tonality. It is the language of the subconscious and more often than not, the words that accompany our non-verbal cues become redundant and meaningless as our bodies do all the talking – which is not always good!
So whether you are the happiest parent on the planet or ready for some serious disciplining it is well worth drawing your awareness to what you are saying on top of what you are saying to ensure you are getting your message across.
To put this into context lets have a look at a classic scenario that plays out in lots of households.
You arrive back from a long day at work, you are stressed, tired and your mind is already busy churning over what’s going to happen tomorrow. The house is a mess, the kids are squabbling over the remote and their homework books are still gathering banana in their schoolbags. You are ready to explode. Sound familiar?