Thursday, 21 August 2014

Want to change? Then learn to focus differently

When the spotlight of our thoughts is on the negative aspects of our life, rather than the positive, the energy builds there and can cause bad feelings which have a habit of over shadowing a lot of the good stuff in life.  

For sure, everyone has issues they would rather not have. Not enough money to do x, not  enough time to do y, not enough stamina, not enough confidence, not enough or the right friends, not enough motivation, and the list (which is different for everyone) goes on.

Our tendency, to focus on the problem keeps us there, and the longer we stay there the bigger the problem becomes, and ultimately it becomes part of us. Unless of course we consciously decide to move forward, move the spotlight around to see what else is ‘out there’ including the solutions to our problems, new awareness and learning.

Easier said than done? Absolutely! Learning to think by default in a more positive light is something that takes practice, particularly for those who have learned in an overly cautious or pessimistic environment.There is plenty of research to suggest we are naturally predisposed to think of the things that can go wrong for us rather than what could go right and the emotions associated with negativity and fear are stronger, therefore more impactful and more restricting. The good news is that positivity can become a natural state of mind. Positive thinking does not prevent issues arising, it is just a really great coping skill that allows us the freedom to explore our world for solutions and develop more flexibility.  With that also comes resilience and resourcefulness. With that can come more happiness, confidence and success.

If you feel you would benefit from developing a more positive attitude, how about doing this little exercise as a starting point.

MY GOAL IS TO DO/BE/ACHIEVE ......................................
What I have
What I like about myself
Things I do well
Things I have control over
What I don’t have
What I don’t like about myself
Things I don’t do well
Things I can’t control

To find out whether your thinking is weighted towards negativity, try writing lists under each of the above statements on both sides. Be realistic and work within context of what you want (Goal) in any particular area of life rather than what you don’t want.

OK, so that’s all for now. Next week I will be taking you through to the next phase of developing that positive muscle. Go to and complete the contact form if you wish to be kept abreast of next stages.

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