Up until relatively recently it was widely assumed that the vast majority of brain development happened in the first few years of life. Now, however, with the development of brain imaging technology which can track changing structure and functioning of the brain, neuro-scientists have discovered significant developmental changes in the brains of adolescents which are distinct from hormonal changes occurring during puberty.
Not totally their fault!
So if you have ever found yourself joining the possy of folks who demonise teenagers for their inability to behave like “grown-ups” be aware that there is now clear evidence to suggest they can’t actually help it – and that is most likely what makes them tetchy.
So if you have ever found yourself joining the possy of folks who demonise teenagers for their inability to behave like “grown-ups” be aware that there is now clear evidence to suggest they can’t actually help it – and that is most likely what makes them tetchy.
Nurture the Nature of it
According to the research conducted by Sarah Jayne Blakemore, see:
There are two parts of the brain in particular have been identified as being significantly different in adults and children to adolescents. The first is the prefrontal cortex, which is the part responsible for decision making, planning, inhibiting inappropriate behaviour, social interaction and self awareness.
This part of the brain, or specifically the grey matter within, appears to undergo a ‘pruning’ of sorts where the connections made by the dependent child start to get cut away in favour of those associated with what needs to be kept to sustain independence and create a stable adult role for themselves in society. So of course that makes sense and, to use the metaphor of a cut back rose bush, if there is a time to focus on handling the stems rather than protesting about the the damage their thorns can inflict, and on “being present” to delicately direct the growth of healthy new branches, NOW is that time. Adolescent brains go through a very maleable stage.
The other part of the developing brain that shows to work differently in adolescence is the lymbic system where emotions are processed. This is also the part of the brain that is involved in the weighing up of taking risks and sensing the rewards as well as impulse control, embarrassment and self-consciousness and which in adolescents is purported to be more hypersensitive and reactionary.
Teens really are different!
These important developments cause adolescents to be less sensitive to how others perceive things and more so on how things affect them in the process of becoming independent and building their identity.
It is nature’s way yet our lack of understanding leads us often to criticise, label and be holier than thou. The only thing that differentiates how we developed and the way the newer generations are developing is the environment we lived in.
And yet still, teenagers are to all too often classified into a box marked damaged goods, “dangerous”, “explosive device,” “do not touch,” “big problem,” “Stay away.” Could their reaction to all that negativity be the reason we think they are tetchy?
They need you more than ever
So if you are suffering ‘tetchy teen syndrome’, just change the labels to “Handle with care,” “delicate goods,” “ this way up.” It might make the difference to who they become when they get out of their hypothetical and very spacious box even if they have punched a few holes in it first.
Key, as always, is how we communicate and listen to gain understanding and connection.
Jackie Lohan (Dip. NLP/Hyp & Professional Coach) assists teenagers and/or their parents through the myriad of issues that can affect a healthy, happy and balanced existence during adolescence. For more information please visit www.teenacity.ie
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